Differential Geometry

Lecture Notes


University of Hull


23 Dec 2024


These are the Lecture Notes of Differential Geometry 661955 for 2024/25 at the University of Hull. I will use this material during lectures. If you have any question or find any typo, please email me at


Up to date information about the course, Tutorials and Homework will be published on the University of Hull Canvas Website


Revision Guide

A Revision Guide to prepare for the Exam is available at


Digital Notes

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We will study curves and surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\), as well as some general topology. The main textbooks are:

Other good readings are the books:

I will assume some knowledge from Analysis and Linear Algebra. A good place to revise these topics are the books by Zorich (Zorich 2015, 2016).


It is important to visualize the geometrical objects and concepts we are going to talk about in this module. Chapter 5 contains a basic Python tutorial to plot curves and surfaces. This part of the notes is not examinable.

If you want to have fun plotting with Pyhton, I recommend installation through Anaconda or Miniconda. The actual coding can then be done through Jupyter Notebook. Good references for scientific Python programming are (Johansson 2019; Kong, Qingkai, Siauw, Timmy, and Bayen, Alexandre 2020).

If you do not want to mess around with Python, you can still visualize pretty much everything we will do in this module using


You are not expected to purchase any of the above books. These lecture notes will cover 100% of the topics you are expected to known in order to excel in the Homework and Final Exam.